Workouts to Lose Arm Fat for Women (at home)

Are you daydreaming about toned and lean arms, and making ridiculous excuses to get a gym membership? Welcome to the club. It’s not only you. But hey, take a deep breath and start doing these top 5 killer workouts to lose arm fat quickly and you’ll realize why arms are not that much of a tough cookie after all! Bonus, you only need your bodyweight!
Why are your arms flabby?
Whether you are a male or a female, flabby arms can be annoying as hell. However, that flab can be more prominent in females than males. Maybe you have even googled to see how to lose arm fat overnight. But why on earth in arms? Can’t the fat go and store itself somewhere else more concealed?
- The main reason is obviously your calorie intake is higher than you actually burn. You’ve probably heard this a million times. You need to diminish your overall body fat percentage to lose arm fat as well. There I said it!
- Next is, you are eating too much sugar. I am not talking about cutting out natural sugar you get from fruits. I am talking about those coffee, tea and all the unhealthy beverages saturated with sugar, you stuff in your mouth. Yes, I would know believe me!
- This might be a bit weird at first. It felt like a hoax to me too, but not having enough protein can lead to sagging your muscles and give you flabby arms.
Now that we sorted out the culprits, let’s check out these
at home arm workouts without weights, to get rid of arm fat
quicker than you expect.
1. Punches
Wait. What? Punches? Yes you heard me!
You don’t need to be a boxer or a martial artist to jab and cross your way to un-jiggly arms. You just need your arms that’s all you need.
- Simply stand keeping the legs, shoulders’ width apart or keep one leg a little further forward and the other leg behind.
- Then, keep your hands making a fist in front of your chest.
- Now, start punching forward as you are punching a very annoying person you’ve been punching in your sleep.
- Punch fast with each arm simultaneously.
You can modify this workout adding a hook. So, basically you punch and then hook with the other arm. Or, you can add an uppercut.
If you can incorporate weights great! But if you can’t still awesome!
Simply because punching is not originally created to be carried out with weights.
You will see a great difference from this exercise if done consistently and consequently, you’ll be able to lose arm fat fast in a week significantly. Punches also help to lose that pesky armpit fat, we women hate so passionately.
Punching workout is so good for your biceps, triceps and shoulders. Throw in a couple 100 punches, even your upper back muscles will get a good workout. You’ll witness it the day after.
Don’t believe me just punch!
2. Overhead Tricep Extensions
Tricep muscles are not timid. They tend to sag big time. According to scientific research, protein deficiency can also lead to saggy triceps. They need more care than we imagine. That’s why they need to be properly activated.
Tricep muscles are not timid. They tend to sag big time. According to scientific research, protein deficiency can also lead to saggy triceps. They need more care than we imagine. That’s why they need to be properly activated.
Overhead tricep extensions are another one of the greatest workouts to lose arm fat and especially tone them.
- Stand keeping your pelvis straight and slightly bend your knees.
- Now, make a fist and hold your arms up beside your ears and bend them back by the elbows.
- Bring your arms down as far as you can, so your tricep muscle can get the full result of extension.
- You can do this either with both hands or one by one.
Hold on, “I thought you were gonna show me how to lose arm fat without weights!?” This is probably what you are thinking right now. Hold your horses, you CAN do this exercise without any weights and you’ll still feel the burn.
However, if you need to modify this exercise, and you can’t find a small weight or a resistance band you can use a stretchable strip of cloth and hold it with your arms and perform the exercise to get better results.
Do 3 sets of 12 reps to see them flab leave your arms for
Tricep muscles are not timid. They tend to sag big time. According to scientific research, protein deficiency can also lead to saggy triceps. They need more care than we imagine. That’s why they need to be properly activated.
Tricep extensions are another one of the greatest workouts to lose arm fat and especially tone them.
- Stand keeping your pelvis straight and slightly bend your knees.
- Now, make a fist and hold your arms up beside your ears and bend them back by the elbows.
- Bring your arms down as far as you can, so your tricep muscle can get the full result of extension.
- You can do this either with both hands or one by one.
Hold on, “I thought you were gonna show me how to lose arm fat without weights!?” This is probably what you are thinking right now. Hold your horses, you CAN do this exercise without any weights and you’ll still feel the burn.
However, if you need to modify this exercise, and you can’t find a small weight or a resistance band you can use a stretchable strip of cloth and hold it with your arms and perform the exercise to get better results.
Do 3 sets of 12 reps to see them flab leave your arms for good.
3. Dips
Did you hear chocolate dipped donuts? Gotcha!
I’m not talking about that kind of a dip but one of the amazing workouts to lose arm fat. Dips can be performed in various ways but whatever the way you choose to perform this exercise, it will burn you up so good and you wouldn’t be able to move your arms the next day. Dips specifically target those triceps which are prone to sag quickly. As mentioned above this area needs to be activated and taken better care of.
Many women are eager to know if there is an alternative to lose arm fat with weights. Thus, here’s another one of them!
- Find a sturdy chair to support your arms. If the chair isn’t stable on the ground put a towel underneath and make it steady.
- Put your hands on the edge of the seat and come down bending a little from your knees.
- Then dip your body to the ground keeping the full tension to the back of your arms.
- Now, Come back up fully extending your arms from your elbows.
If you need to modify this exercise to make it a bit more of a challenge, you can find a bench or the edge of the bed and perform the exercise, keeping your legs extended forward.
This way the pressure applied to your shoulders is high. Therefore, keep in mind that you need to protect your rotator cuffs, so not to dip too much. Always keep a straight line with your body.
If you need to make the exercise a bit easier, go down on your yoga mat, keep your hands right below your shoulders and bend your knees. Then dip your body and bring yourself back up.
Keep the full tension on your arms without trying to spread it to your legs.
Do 3 sets of 12 reps of these at least 3 times a week.
Don’t think this is a piece of cake just because you modify it for the beginner level because they will burn those saggy arms no matter what you do to lessen their power.
4. Pull Ups
Pull ups are one of the greatest exercises to lose arm fat fast for females. Not only arms, but it works as a full body workout because pull ups engage your arms, core muscles and legs.
Your entire upper body is primarily engaged during this compound exercise. Hence, your lats muscles, pec muscles, biceps, triceps, forearms and deltoids are trying their best to pull you up.
Just think about the massive amount of strength you need to pull your whole body up. But it’s not impossible because of these muscles’ hard work.
Not only pull ups is one of the best workouts to lose arm fat, they eventually make you gain your grip strength and overall balance of your body.
Now you can understand why this exercise is golden when it comes to sculpting the upper body and we should ask ourselves why aren’t we still doing it?
- You need a pull up bar fixed somewhere at your home and double check if it’s mounted well.
- Now place your arms on the bar and pull yourself up gripping the bar tight.
- Try getting your chin up above the bar level and come back down.
Performing a pull up can be a bit tricky when you are a beginner, you need a lot of upper body strength to do so. But don’t be disappointed.
Even if you can hang on a pull up bar a couple of seconds per day is more than enough to build up your strength to do that kickass pull up eventually.
One thing to keep in mind is, not to give up because you can’t perform the full pull up. Don’t fret you’ll get there.
Likewise, Pull ups are super easy on your joints which is a plus point for someone who has joint pains, not to mention for people who seek to do exercises without weights.
Attempt to do as much as pull ups you can a day and you’ll see that sexy upper body sculpts it way up!
5. Push Ups
We’ve finally come to the final and most effective exercise of them all! Push ups are extremely good for building up your upper body strength. This can be considered as a compound exercise as well, because it incorporates the arms, chest, back muscles and your abs.
When you do a push up correctly it hurts like hell.
But, most of the people nag about not being able to do a full push up.
As beginners you should never jump the gun and start doing a
full push up while you feel feeble. You should start
building up your strength gradually just like a pull
- Go down on your mat and keep your hands right below your shoulders beside your chest.
- Your legs should be either kept apart a bit or close together.
- Keep your abs tightened and body straight in a line without raising your booty.
- Don’t let your body hang down.
- Now, come down and reach the ground with your chest and without pausing come back up.
If you wish to modify the exercise to make it easier, then you should come down to your knees and perform the exercise.
Even this is too much for you, you should pause at the ground for a minute and pull yourself back up.
If that is even hardcore for you, perform the exercise using a wall.
No matter how you do it, you’ll get there soon enough. Most of the ladies out there are a bit intimidated of weights, and they constantly ask if there is a way to lose arm fat without gaining muscle. Well, this is one of the excellent workouts for you then.
In the basic push up there are two ways you can keep your arms, so if you keep your arms right below your shoulders you get a better burn out in your triceps. But, if you keep your arms far apart from your chest then, you get a huge workout for your chest muscles and your shoulders.
With time, you may need to modify your push up and combine it with other exercises such as spider planks, plank reach or plank twists as your muscles learn the pattern which leads to a less effective workout.
Add 3 sets of 15 reps of push-ups to push your body’s performance up.

There, I have included 5 of the best workouts to lose arm fat for our gorgeous and courageous ladies out there.
All of these exercises are ideal for those who don’t prefer weights in their workout routines. BUT! Ladies, I highly suggest you try adding a low weight and it never bulks you up. Bodybuilding is far trickier than you think.
If you are smart about what you eat and you want to take your overall body fat percentage down, then you’ll definitely going to win this game by doing these killer exercises.
But let me cut to the chase, don’t expect these exercises to reduce arm fat in 5 days if you don’t take care of your diet. Likewise, do workout at least 4 times a week.
Include some cardio, healthy diet and a good sleep to reap the fruits of these workouts.
Try using natural fat burners such as Green tea to help further improve your mental and physical health.
Have you tried any of the above exercises? If so, what are the experiences you have? Let us know in the comment section below.
Good luck!